Дизайнер Эльза Точилина


Эльза Точилина 34 года

Оценивает себя как:

Art Director

Вид сотрудничества:



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Пару слов о себе:

Hi, I'm Elsa. Subscribe on my channel t.me/lizodiy
"Advertising is life, good design is not a pretty picture".

I would love for you to be able to see my skills in practice.
I have come a long way, both in design and in other areas, fr om HoReCa to advertising and digital. I'm used to relying not on a theoretical set of information, but on practical knowledge. The thing is that when I don't know something, I do everything to understand and study it. In my profession I do not stand still, I'm constantly developing new skills and following trends. I can not stay at a standstill, because every day there is a new tool, technique, and design solution. I know Adobe and C4D, improvise with materials in Octane, study Unreal in my spare time. The fact that I'm a technical specialist doesn't stop me from developing concepts, especially since I want them to be understandable to the consumer and have practical applications.

For me a career is about pumping myself up, not about trying to manage people. It is a control over my area of responsibility, its expansion and growth of skills. And at the same time I can work both independently and in a team. 
I hate to hear phrases like "I don't know, it's not my business, I'm not responsible for it.

I love what I do, that's what's called "burning" in my business! It's a priority for me, so I give it as much time as it takes and I'm not going to work from call to call. It's actually quite a creative profession and that's my advantage, because I'm a creator.

I want to develop in a place wh ere I don't have to do unnecessary iterations and pointless tasks. I'm used to doing things so that I don't have to redo everything later (double work is not for me). I like to be appreciated and my work appreciated, so adequate working conditions are very important to me. I spent many years studying, working and growing to make this possible.

I can say that in my opinion, there are no insurmountable challenges. Overcoming difficulties is the real stress tolerance and I'm ready to prove it in practice.
My portfolio is difficult to put in my resume in full, so I'm ready to present it when we meet.


  • BangBang Education
  • GeekBrains
  • Национальный Институт Дизайна
  • Нетология
  • Другое

Высшее образование

Основная специальность: Реклама
Кол-во лет в основной специальности: 12 лет
Общий опыт в дизайне: 15 лет

Работал(а) в компаниях:

  • Самозанятая

    Senior / Lead Graphic designer / Art-director 2023—по н.в.
    • Project support from concept development to implementation
    • Creation of image images, presentations, catalogs, product lines, souvenirs
    • Creation of landing page, adaptive layout
    • Creation of static and dynamic banners, illustrations
    • Media Coordinator
    • Marketing
    Visual client journey:
    Google Ireland Inc., GITEX 2024, Bishkek Electronic Computing Machines Plant, CENTERM, ECOPLATFORM 

    Special project:
    «Станция Манеж. Московский транспорт 2030»;
    МГУУ Правительства Москвы
  • Яндекс Плюс

    Senior / Lead Communication Designer Yandex Plus 2023—2023
    • Senior / Lead Communication designer: Плюс Дача Russia, Плюс Дача Khazakhstan 
    • Guiding creative teams in the creation of creative assets for digital, social, prepress preparation of original layouts, color proofing and other projects for Яндекс Плюс: Яндекс Музыка, Букмейт, Кинопоиск, Плюс Детям;
    • Working closely with creative directors and art directors to develop a brand’s visual design identity for Яндекс Путешествия, Плюс Путешественникам, YANGO
    • Helping to guide brand and marketing designers through mentorship and feedback
    • Innovating new approaches to graphic design problems and creating frameworks or optimizations for common speedbumps
    Winner short-list Eplus Marketing 2023:
    Плюс Дача — оффлайн-пространство для подписчиков Яндекс Плюса с уникальными событиями, Плюс Дача
  • СберСпасибо

    Ведущий специалист по маркетингу 2020—2023
    • Ensures that the product meets the customer's goals
    • Prioritize tasks; Allocate tasks within the team;
    • Leads product design
    • Writing terms of reference based on business objectives
    • Writing code as needed
    • Optimize team performance;
    • Supervise product quality and execution technology; Supervise work on cross-functional tasks: design, marketing;
    • Supervising the process of creating technical documentation for the product; Reporting on tasks to the product owner/project manager/development director.
    • Art direction, implementation of design concepts, taking into account modern trends in design
    • Support and development of the company's visual style, creation of advertising and informational materials
    • 360 Graphic/ FX support of projects from concept development to implementation
    • Development and visualization of selling concepts, in accordance with the positioning of the brand, the target audience of the customer and taking into account production capabilities, production of static or dynamic layouts, extenders, small archetypal forms

Английский язык

B2 (выше среднего)

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Обновил(а) портфолио 25 сентября 2022

 Контакты видны только клиентам. Войти

Формат сотрудничества:

  • В офис (full-time)
  • Удаленка (full-time)
  • Аутстаффинг
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