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Hi, I'm Elsa. Subscribe on my channel t.me/lizodiy
"Advertising is life, good design is not a pretty picture".
I would love for you to be able to see my skills in practice.
I have come a long way, both in design and in other areas, fr om HoReCa to advertising and digital. I'm used to relying not on a theoretical set of information, but on practical knowledge. The thing is that when I don't know something, I do everything to understand and study it. In my profession I do not stand still, I'm constantly developing new skills and following trends. I can not stay at a standstill, because every day there is a new tool, technique, and design solution. I know Adobe and C4D, improvise with materials in Octane, study Unreal in my spare time. The fact that I'm a technical specialist doesn't stop me from developing concepts, especially since I want them to be understandable to the consumer and have practical applications.
For me a career is about pumping myself up, not about trying to manage people. It is a control over my area of responsibility, its expansion and growth of skills. And at the same time I can work both independently and in a team.
I hate to hear phrases like "I don't know, it's not my business, I'm not responsible for it.
I love what I do, that's what's called "burning" in my business! It's a priority for me, so I give it as much time as it takes and I'm not going to work from call to call. It's actually quite a creative profession and that's my advantage, because I'm a creator.
I want to develop in a place wh ere I don't have to do unnecessary iterations and pointless tasks. I'm used to doing things so that I don't have to redo everything later (double work is not for me). I like to be appreciated and my work appreciated, so adequate working conditions are very important to me. I spent many years studying, working and growing to make this possible.
I can say that in my opinion, there are no insurmountable challenges. Overcoming difficulties is the real stress tolerance and I'm ready to prove it in practice.
My portfolio is difficult to put in my resume in full, so I'm ready to present it when we meet.
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