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Voyagu ищет Senior- Product- дизайнера
21 фев
Релокация (Амстердам)
Вакансия в архиве

Voyagu ищет Senior- Product- дизайнера

Откликов 15+
Компания: Voyagu
Тестовое задание: Без теста
Кто ищет:Head of Design
Портфолио обязательно: Да
Зарплата: не указана
Уровень дизайнера: Senior
Voyagu / Senior Product Designer / Europe

Relocate to Warsaw or Amsterdam.


As a Senior Product Designer, being part of the Customer Experience Department, you will focus on client interactions with the website and client portal. 

Every day we have numerous client interactions, starting fr om our website. The first challenge of this role will be to understand the clients and design flawless client experiences directly impacting the website conversion metrics.

Secondly, to work on the client portal, wh ere clients can manage their trips, see the changes, get support, and more. This part of the role is just breaking ground; you can build it from scratch.

Что будет делать дизайнер? (обязанности)

  • Design and lead the process from ideation, research, effective concept framing, co-creation, prototyping, and user testing into aspirational designs;
  • Collect insights and new ideas from the recent market trends, analytics, and benchmarking of the competitive landscape;
  • Be hands-on with administrating insights and collecting stats;
  • Work with effective rapport with content, engineering, R&D, analytics, digital, and brand teams to deliver business goals;
  • Use a data-driven approach for making decisions.

Скиллы дизайнера (требования)

  • 5+ years of product design experience;
  • Strong experience in building comprehensive workflows in highly complex tech and service environments;
  • Superior time management and delivery by set priorities;
  • Knowledge of business and product metrics;
  • Experience in testing designs using qualitative and quantitative research methods;
  • Ability to receive and provide constructive feedback;
  • Clear writing and verbal communication skills;
  • Good command of English;
  • Ability to relocate to Warsaw or Amsterdam.
Важно: pедакция designer.ru не несет ответственности за любую информацию в этой публикации, в т. ч. текстовое описание и графические изображения, предоставленные нам авторами вакансии и другими пользователями интернета. Если Вы нашли ошибку, то, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом.
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