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AGIMA ищет дизайнера на маркетинг
5 июл
Вакансия в архиве

AGIMA ищет дизайнера на маркетинг

Откликов 15+
Компания: Agima
Тестовое задание: Бесплатно
Кто ищет:IT-рекрутер
Портфолио обязательно: Да
Зарплата: не указана
Уровень дизайнера: Middle
Hello! I am Ira, recruiter at AGIMA :)
We are currently actively developing our international direction, so we need a talented designer with excellent English who is not scared to make changes quickly!

Что будет делать дизайнер? (обязанности)

  • Maintain and update the company's aesthetic guidelines;
  • Create marketing materials, including all graphic design aspects;
  • Design captivating concepts for our case studies, 1-pagers, website visuals, sales presentations, marketing decks, and other graphical materials;
  • Dive deep into the meaning of the content to suggest and create the most suitable visual/infographic presentation of the content ideas;
  • Clearly define the specific design expertise needed to complete additional design tasks, and then hire and manage specialists to successfully accomplish those jobs;
  • Ascertain that the final assets are correct and error-free. As numerous stakeholders contribute comments, this entails ensuring consistency throughout all revision cycles;
  • Organize creative materials to keep a database of marketing collateral conveniently accessible;
  • Create branded visuals for social media, websites, email campaigns, and other applications;
  • Examine the aesthetics of product positioning and marketing text to discover areas for improvement.

Скиллы дизайнера (требования)

  • A good portfolio demonstrating intelligent, deliberate design work in the graphics/marketing and brand domain;
  • Bachelor's degree in digital design, graphic design, or a related discipline;
  • Experience designing social, web, and out-of-home campaigns;
  • Think independently;
  • Adobe Illustrator/Figma/Canva proficiency. Experienced with Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Keynote, and PowerPoint;
  • English is required;
  • Capability to convey design ideas and concepts for campaigns and projects in a clear and concise manner;
  • Experience with project management tools such as JIRA is preferred;
  • A working knowledge of web-optimized formats and picture dimensions to guarantee speedy site loading is preferred.


  • money;
  • remote work or office in Moscow
  • don’t care about your work schedule;
  • a best-in-industry team of software experts to work with;
  • extensive partner network with the ability to scale resources instantly;
  • you can grow your own Design team.
Site of our international direction: 
Важно: pедакция designer.ru не несет ответственности за любую информацию в этой публикации, в т. ч. текстовое описание и графические изображения, предоставленные нам авторами вакансии и другими пользователями интернета. Если Вы нашли ошибку, то, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом.
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