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Serokell ищет веб-дизайнера
12 июл
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Serokell ищет веб-дизайнера

Откликов 15+
Компания: Serokell
Тестовое задание: Без теста
Кто ищет:HRD
Портфолио обязательно: Да
Уровень дизайнера: Middle
Hello! My name is Uliana and I'm in charge of HR in Serokell. 

We're a software research and development company specializing in complex computer science tasks. We've been fully remote since the very beginning and support work from anywhere in the world!

We’re searching for a Designer with a well-rounded skill set to work on both internal and client projects. Most of their day-to-day work will involve working together with Serokell’s marketing department on creating new pages & landings for our website and creating graphics for our content. 

Serokell is eager to support developing talents, so feel free to apply even if your correct experience doesn't match the list of requirements for 100%. 

Что будет делать дизайнер? (обязанности)

  • Working on updating, supplementing, and improving our main website: developing landing pages, and product pages.
  • Designing a portfolio of company projects.
  • Preparing images for publishing posts.
  • Presenting creative ideas to the team.
  • Working on designing corporate materials: presentations, and social media platforms.
  • Working on interfaces for internal and external IT products.
  • Designing external posts, corporate pages for online publications, listings, etc.
  • Working in a team of designers and developers.

Скиллы дизайнера (требования)

  • Ability to deal with a complex subject area.
  • Ability to prototype, verify, present, and defend your solutions.
  • Knowledge of prototyping tools (we use Figma).
  • Knowledge of typography, attention to detail, and diligence.
  • Proactivity and independence (you will collect all the necessary data to solve the problem and monitor its implementation), strong time management skills.
  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and technical background will be a strong plus.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills.
  • Fluent spoken and written English


  • Salary in EUR.
  • Attractive international projects.
  • International teams and multicultural environment.
  • Fully remote work and flexible working hours.
  • Possibility to take days off any time you need.
  • Investment in your professional and career growth, which will correspond to wage growth.
  • Mentoring and training.
  • Yoga classes and therapy sessions to support your well-being.
  • English language courses.
  • 1300-1800 EUR/month 
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