Привет! Мы — небольшая креативная команда, которая делает классные бренды, сайты и продукты. Работаем из 4 стран на 2 языках (английский и русский). Ищем двуязычного (русский\английский) дизайн лида, который отлично разбирается в современных трендах и умеет профессионально презентовать по-английски.
ВАЖНО: при подаче заявки, пожалуйста не забудьте упомянуть 4 вещи:
- Ссылку на портфолио
- Ваше географическое местонахождение (между GMT-3 и +6)
- Ожидания по оплате
- Уровень английского - не ниже C1
Собеседование будет проходить на английском.
Oddbee is looking for a Russian/English-speaking design lead to become an integral part of our hive, who will lead the creative team's efforts and contribute to the success of our clients.
This is a hybrid role that combines the responsibilities of an art director and an account manager. An ideal candidate will demonstrate strong interpersonal and presentation skills as well as a solid design background. This would be a perfect role for a senior designer or an art director who is ready to get to the next level of their career.
You will be working closely with the Creative Director, Project Manager and a small but mighty design team (5 people) to create branding, design, web, and digital projects for a wide range of clients across Canada and the US.
About Oddbee
We guide the creative design initiatives of companies for which design is crucial — helping them create excitement, engagement and true connection with customers, as well as awe and respect within their industry. Neither huge nor corporate, off-shore nor one-size-fits-all, Oddbee is a close-knit and agile team. We’re responsive, passionate and fun to work with.
Our Values
We believe in:
- The power of design; good design improves culture and makes the world a better place to live.
- Excellence; we’ll always go the extra mile to deliver outstanding results.
- Work-life balance; consistently great design comes from meaningful lives and healthy minds.
- Integrity; we only work with companies who strive to make a positive difference in the world.
- Getting things done: great ideas only come to fruition when paired with strong execution.
ВАЖНО: при подаче заявки, пожалуйста не забудьте упомянуть 4 вещи:
- Ссылку на портфолио
- Ваше географическое местонахождение (между GMT-3 и +6)
- Ожидания по оплате
- Уровень английского - не ниже C1
Собеседование будет проходить на английском.
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