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P2P.org ищет Lead-дизайнера
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P2P.org ищет Lead-дизайнера

Откликов 15+
Компания: P2P
Тестовое задание: Без теста
Кто ищет:Talent acquisition lead
Портфолио обязательно: Да
Зарплата: не указана
Уровень дизайнера: Senior
We are looking for an experienced and creative Lead Product Designer for our internal startup — non-custodial Solana based mobile wallet.

As an LPD , you will be responsible for delivering the best online user experience, which makes your role extremely important for our success and ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The ideal person will thrive in a setting that values design strategy and research, constant cross-functional collaboration, outside-the-box concepting, and transparency. This individual excels at getting groups of cross-functional teammates excited and invested in solving problems.

Что будет делать дизайнер? (обязанности)

  • Disruptors and innovators in their field of specialization
  • Equally talented in analytics and creativity
  • Capable of looking at the big picture and diving into details
  • Has the ability to solve difficult design problems and create frameworks from these design solutions
  • Strong, confident communicators with colleagues below, above, and adjacent to them
  • Conduct layout adjustments based on user feedback
  • Analyze how a new product ties in with market needs and consumer preferences
  • Inspiring leader with deep insights into the personal motivations of their team members

Скиллы дизайнера (требования)

We’re seeking an experienced Project Lead who can obsess over the details but can also be an inspiring leader for the big picture. The successful candidate will have 5 years of experience as an LPD or similar role and will have UI design portfolio (mobile app and web). You have an established aesthetic vision, the ability to present and defend chosen concepts.

  • You can work with: Figma, Animation tools (After Effects, Figma, Principle e.t.c.)
  • Experience in Fintech company 
  • Ability to discuss and explain design options
  • Can explain your decision in a structured way
  • Detail oriented
  • Problem solver and customer-focused
  • Creativity in mixing up colors, shapes and techniques


  • Work from anywhere in the world: an international distributed team
  • Competitive salary level in $
  • Well-being program
  • Mental Health care program
  • Compensation for education, including English & professional growth courses
  • Equipment & co-working reimbursement program
  • Overseas conferences, community immersion
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