Работа дизайнером на релокации
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BrainRocket ищет графического дизайнера с релокацией на Кипр
2 ноя
Офис, Релокация
Вакансия в архиве

BrainRocket ищет графического дизайнера с релокацией на Кипр

Откликов 15+
Компания: BrainRocket
Тестовое задание: Без теста
Кто ищет:Креативный директор
Портфолио обязательно: Да
Зарплата: не указана
Уровень дизайнера: Senior
BrainRocket is a software development company and digital solutions provider. The company has created over 65 cutting-edge products spanning 20 different markets.

Our team of around 700 tech-savvy professionals successfully deliver scalable projects that are custom-made to the customers’ needs.

We also strive to create a culture centred  around personal and professional growth for employees, in a positive and welcoming environment. Now we're looking for Technical Designer.

Что будет делать дизайнер? (обязанности)

  • ️Create high-quality, detailed artwork for entertaining products and promo layouts for a dozen brands.  ️
  • Design banners, emails, and landing pages.  ️
  • Resizing, adapting, and localization banners, considering national characteristics and brand guidelines.  ️
  • Take into conversion rates of creatives to improve performance.

Скиллы дизайнера (требования)

  • Highly experienced in Figma and Photoshop.  ️
  • High retouching and color correction skills are required. ️
  • Experience working within the entertainment or FMCG industries with artwork for marketing and product purposes.
  • Experience working at an advertising agency, digital agency, or in-house studio.  ️
  • Understanding of UI/UX, responsive, Mobile-first, and Design Thinking concepts.  ️
  • Strong aesthetic skills with the ability to combine various arts, colors, fonts, and layouts. 
  • Attention to visual details.  ️
  • Ability to work as a team member, considering stages, priorities, and deadlines. 
  • Work iteratively and share results early and often.  ️
  • Readiness to receive feedback as well as include conclusions in the design.


We offer excellent benefits, including but not limited to:
  • Learning and development opportunities and interesting challenging tasks; 
  • Official employment in accordance with the laws of Cyprus and the EU, registration of family members; ️ 
  • Relocation package (tickets, staying in a hotel for 2 weeks); ️‍️ 
  • Company fitness corner in the office for employees; 
  • Opportunity to develop language skills and partial compensation for the cost of language classes; 
  • Birthday celebration present; 
  • Time for proper rest and 24 working days of Annual Vacation; 
  • Breakfasts and lunches in the office (partially paid by the company).
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